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Thank you for visiting. We love what we do and try our best to capture unique and memorable photographs and hope you find a special photo.

We strongly encourage you to register on the site before browsing the photos. Some visitors have experienced problems losing their selections when registering after having browsed several folders.

Swim meets, in particular, present unusual challenges for photographers. Dimly lit natatoriums, off color overhead lighting, undesirable light reflections on the water surface, splashed water by other swimmers, the dstance of the swimmer from the camera lens, all of these factors and many more make it very challenging to capture great photos of moving athletes. Images are then offloaded from the cameras on a frequent basis for parents to view, order, and even have 5x7" photos printed at the event. Sometimes, photos end up in the preceeding or following event folder. sometimes our camera clocks are not all synched to the same time and photos do not group properly by date/time captured. For that, we apologize in advance and suggest looking through an entire eveent folder as well as the prceeding and following event folders.

If you have a special request or wish to order images on a CD, please contact us directly to discuss options. We will work with you to meet your expectations.

Thank you, and please visit us again.

PS: Reprints of your order make great Christmas and birthday gifts. We offer discounted prices for reprints if your original order is in our archives.